Our guest blogger this week is Sarah Moore, an alto who has been with us and brightened our rehearsals since she blubbed all the way through our performance at the Green lanes Food festival last year. She is emigrating to Australia in a few short weeks, and last week she left the choir. Those of us who have come to know her will miss her. A lot.
She has published her thoughts on leaving on her own blog at http://madamerrr.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/fat-lady-sang.html (I didn't want to duplicate her post here because Google doesn't like the same text on multiple pages).
See if you can read it without a tear in your eye. I couldn't. It made me sad, and proud.
(PS for more thoughts on the choir, see Stuart Waterman's blog at http://www.stuartwaterman.com/tottenham-community-choir-faqs/)
From another TCC alumni, I couldn't agree more. I still miss the choir hugely. Everything else has slowly been replaced but there's still a gaping hole where the choir used to be. Keep being brilliant and good luck Sarah! Nikki xx