Hello! This is a place for members of the choir to blog about what we're up to, what's going on in our neighbourhood and pretty much anything else besides!

If you would like to write a guest post for us, please email the Blog Editor tara@tottenhamcommunitychoir.com or tweet us @tottenhamchoir

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Singing for the community - oh yes

Should have posted something on here before but in case you're not aware the choir is hosting, and performing at, a benefit gig for those affected by the recent awful events in Tottenham.

It's at The Millfield Arts Centre in Edmonton and the bill features an ever increasing number of quality guests, all performing for free to raise as much money as we can. Please come along, and spread the word!

Tickets: http://www.millfieldartscentre.co.uk/

Lineup and further info: https://tottenhamgig.wordpress.com/