Hello! This is a place for members of the choir to blog about what we're up to, what's going on in our neighbourhood and pretty much anything else besides!

If you would like to write a guest post for us, please email the Blog Editor tara@tottenhamcommunitychoir.com or tweet us @tottenhamchoir

Saturday, 11 June 2011

What makes a good wedding?

The music.
When I knew that I was going to get married, but not in a church or synagogue I was worried it would be a 10min job and that I wouldn't have any singing. This was not a good prospect for me as music and singing are so important to me.
So thank you thank you wonderful Tottenham Community Choir, for giving up the best part of your Saturday and singing at the wedding.
It made it for me and I'm thrilled by the result.
Thanks also to the good folks at Woodgreen Civic centre who let it all happen.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Bak to skool agane

yes folks, it's back to Downhills Primary School this evening for the first choir rehearsal of the half term. See you all there!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

New half term starts this Tuesday (7th June).

Hello all – hope you enjoyed your half term break.

We are back as usual on Tuesday – can those of you who have copies please bring along Goldfinger, What A Wonderful World and Cantique De Jean Racine.

Also, we’ll be having a raffle so if anyone has anything they would like to donate please bring it along.

Finally – we’re going to make an effort to be a bit tighter with start/end/break times this half term so please try to be there at about 7.15 or so, ready to start at 7.30.

See you Tuesday.